• Places in Czech Republic

    Country church

    Every time when we go to visit my mom, we drive by a church in Starý Rožmitál that always draws my attention. There is nothing extraordinary about the building itself, it’s a country church standing by a cemetery, but the view from the road looks very nice. I asked my husband to stop nearby last week so that I could take a photo. I was walking here and there for a while when looking for the best view and along the way I was passing by a beautiful lilac bush. Lilac blooms are gone for now so it’s a nice memory. I also saw an eye-catching leafy tree which I…

  • Praha
    Places in Czech Republic

    A few hours in Prague

    About a week ago my husband and I spent several hours in Prague. We had tickets for a concert of “Rodrigo y Gabriela” there and we decided to visit a few places before the concert would start in the evening. The weather wasn’t nice, it was a dreary and rainy day, but eventually it was not as awful as it was forecast and we enjoyed the trip. I’ll show you a few photos that I took but first I’d like to tell you more about those Rodrigo and Gabriela in case you’ve never heard of them. They deserve it. “Rodrigo y Gabriela” are an acoustic guitar duo coming from Mexico…

  • Focused on photography

    Story of a badly taken photo

    Today I’d like to share with you something different than my still life images and that is a story of a badly taken photo and what it taught me. Unless you are always ready and prepared when holding your camera, you must have experienced a situation when you were shooting something and suddenly something else happened which you wanted to capture quickly and oops, you found out that you forgot to change the last camera’s settings which turned up to be utterly wrong for the desired capture and the moment was irretrievably lost. This is how I took the photo that you can see below, it’s straight out of the…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Buchlov castle

    My family spent the last week of July in south-east Moravia, which represents the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. We were staying in a camp and went on a trip every day so we visited a few castles and several interesting places I’d like to show you. On the first day we went to visit the Buchlov castle. The funniest part of that trip was that when we entered the first yard of the castle, I immediately realised we’d been there before. My husband didn’t believe me until we returned home when I proved my assertion by showing him photos we took at that time. So first I felt a…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Overcast desperation

    This winter I haven’t seen much of blue sky. The sky is either light or dark grey, causes energy shortage and brings abundance of tiredness. Hence the title of this post. A few moments ago my husband was reading me weather forecast for the arriving March and it was like this: first ten-day period – cloudy and overcastsecond ten-day period – cloudy and rainythird ten-day period – cloudy, overcast and rainy I know that March is much worse for me than February. Spring is already expected but winter persists. Not that frosty shiny winter. The muddy overcast one. So when we got a new portion of snow last week, I…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Trip from Modrava

    I’d like to get back to those few days we spent in Šumava this summer. We were staying in a camp, going on trips and for one day we planned a trip from Modrava to our camp. We had to go by bus just a few kilometres and then follow a marked track. When we were getting off the bus, it was already drizzling and we needed to take on our raincoats. Well, I don’t mind walking in rain, but our cameras had to stay in our bags and I regretted that so much. On the one hand I felt really annoyed and on the other I tried to persuade…

  • Around home and village

    First snow

    It was snowing all day and night yesterday and as the temperature was stuck under the zero, we woke up into beautiful whiteness this morning. Just on Friday I finished covering some of the plants in our garden with branches to protect them against harsh winter and I’m so glad I managed to do it in time. We have a saying stating that “Martin comes riding a white horse”, which relates to 11th November being the Martin’s name day. It is quite usual that in the middle of November we experience the first snow, hence the white horse. This year the snow has come a bit sooner and I find…

  • Places in Czech Republic


    As I’ve already written, some time ago we were looking for an interesting destination of our weekend trip and while browsing the Internet, our eyes fell on a description of a nature trail “Kladská”. We liked the description and went there. The nature trail starts as well as ends in Kladská. Kladská is a village where you can find just a few buildings but their history – although not very long – is quite interesting. In 1873, the prince Otto Friedrich Schönburg-Waldenburg bought a woody area in this region and liked it so much that he started to build a village – a hunting castle with outbuildings, gamekeeper’s lodge, revenue…