• Poetry

    House in Green

    Have you ever read “The Woman in White” by Wilkie Collins? And have you ever listened to the “Lady in Black” by Uriah Heep? Well, and have you ever seen such a “House in Green” like the one below? Brain sometimes connects the dots in funny ways… Green leaves and green roofGreen shapes of the woodBreathing the calmness of the mind

  • Poetry

    Life is like a whirling ball

    Life is like a whirling ball,Experiencing rise and fall. In a land of ice,In a land of fire,In the realms of fancy,Shifted by desire. Sometimes moving up,Sometimes moving down,Sometimes gathering speed,Sometimes slowing down. Heading to the left,Turning to the right,Facing walls around,Getting to the light. Can you feel the rise?Can you see the fall?Life is so much morethan the whirling ball. I have to tell you… that when I published the post, my poem ended with words saying “life is nothing else but the whirling ball”. When I came back a while later, it suddenly dawned on me how good the words sound but how false they actually are so…

  • Poetry


    Ravens circlingabove the tree topsdeath in her eyes I do not have any photo that would mirror the images my little Haiku-inspired poem conveys so I picked a photo that conveys similar feelings which are the feelings of sadness I felt when writing the poem. You know, the poem made me think. Some days are not happy days. Some days are sombre. For obvious reasons we don’t like them but they are inevitably part of our lives. How to accept them? How to deal with them? There are so many books and websites offering pieces of advice on how to be happier and where to find happiness. You don’t need…

  • Poetry

    Step by step

    Step by step moving slowly forwardstep by step through the barren landstep by step put your best foot forwardstep by step feeling good and bad  Without cheer of crowdsfeet may seem too heavywithout sign of lightpassing through despairtouching barren landprints are left alreadywithout breath of airpain is hard to bear And yet step by step moving slowly forwardstep by step through the barren landstep by step put your best foot forwardstep by step feeling good and bad

  • Poetry

    When the time comes

    Stone.Body like a stone.Heavy like a stone. Consciousness,at the edge of wakefulness,at the edge of awareness,at the edge of perception. At the edge of comprehension,when there is no way back,when one can’t wake up and live,when the way leads just to falling asleep. The door is getting closedto be openedwhen the time comes.

  • Poetry

    Once you hear it

    A word,a phrase,a sentence Once you hear it,it captures morethan your attention It whispers,it cries,it shouts,asking you: Come and absorb me,come and transform me,come and make me your part You can do nothing to change it,there is no way to ignore it,and there is no way to go back Once I heard two words of a songthat grabbed my attentionand then grabbed my soul They were “seven layers”or was it “seventh layer”?I do not even knowbut both of them seem to matter Seven layers of fear,seven layers of smile,seven layers of understandingor seven layers of cry The seventh layer of the seven layers,the deepest one, the bottom oneDo I want…

  • Poetry


    I am knocking Knocking at my soulasking permission to enter I keep knocking Are you present therethough not displayed in the center? I am not coming with empty handscan you see? I am bringing all the beauty I have met todayI am bringing all the strength I have gathered todayI am bringing all the love I have received today Because I know how fragile,full of uncertainties you areholding your fears inside youyet setting high the bar I know how scared you areof challenges you facebut I know there is courageto accept them with good grace I witnessed your great braveryso many, many timesI saw it in your shining faceand twinkling…

  • Poetry

    Second chance

    While I was browsing through blogs a few hours ago, I unexpectedly found inspiration in one of them. There was a photo picturing trees lit by golden light and a forked trail running among them. First trying just to write a short rhyming comment I could not stop looking for better suited words and here it is, a product of that inspiration, together with a photo I took in the end of the last year: Snowy scenesAnd lonely trailsStretching to infinity Hearts being weighedOn precise scalesFound guilty or not guilty Of emptiness,Of apathy,Of being cold as ice We beg for our second chanceAnother game of dice

  • Poetry

    Drumming my fingers

    Drumming my fingersNervous in expectationOf coming eventsOf nearing acts Feeling them sharplySensing them fullyBy touching tensionBy denying facts Saying it loudlyAccepting tension’s presenceThrough heart’s decisionThrough reason’s fights Reaching peacefulnessBreathing harmonyWhen there is silenceSoaring to heights