• Miscellaneous

    Power poles

    I find it refreshing … to look for beauty where it is not obvious, … to look for beauty that is not exactly beautiful but it is interesting,… to look for beauty that has inherent significance. Shooting power poles may not sound exiting but see the shapes and atmosphere…

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    My Wordle stats and what I find interesting about them

    First I have to ask, do you know the online game Wordle? It is a simple yet quite entertaining game in which you have to find a 5-letter word in six lines. No hints other than colours showing which letters are placed at the correct spot (green), incorrect spot (yellow) and which do not occur in the sought word (grey). Only words can be entered, not random clusters of letters. Of course you see the letters in the cells but when you want to share your results, the boxes are empty not to spoil someone else’s game. There is a small keyboard depictured under the 5×6 matrix where the letters…

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    Easter hope

    Easter always brings a message to me conveying hope that nothing is so bad it could not turn into something good. The concept of suffering and how it could lead to something great is difficult to grasp but if one opens themselves to the hope, the life can feel and become very different. Sacrificing oneself may be utterly wrong or utterly heroic or utterly compassionate, it all depends so much on circumstances. From the point of Christianity it is a gesture of love giving a man a chance to make their lives better. I know, if one is not a Christian, the gesture seems non-existent, yet it is there in…

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    Flower phantasy

    When I come home in the evening and I am tired, I tend to open a browser and keep clicking on article titles that catch my attention, read a bit of this and a bit of that, and eventually I find myself looking at articles I am actually not interested in at all. And after an hour or two I switch the browser off, being usually angry about wasting so much precious time I could have used for much more useful, needed or creative activities. Do you know that story from your life as well? Here and there it may perhaps be helpful to relax this way and don’t want…

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    All Souls’ Day once again

    When I was lighting a candle in a cemetery today, in memory of those I still love even though they already left this world, I had to think about how true the words are saying that those who remain in our hearts will never die. Yet I wish I knew them better. I wish I had more time for them.I wish we could chat and laugh and enjoy one another’s company.I wish I could meet them again and tell them how much they still mean to me. The truth is that these wishes are painful and sometimes hurt and no time can make that fade away. So rest in peace…

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    The other day I was watching a video where a guy was explaining how he created a photo, what his intentions were and how he got there both in arranging the scenery and processing the photo and I thought, “well, so much effort invested, and I actually do not feel any excitement about the result…” But he was talking with passion, explaining his art, and I loved that attitude. He was creating something that made his juices flow and that was important enough. Let me take a leaf from his book and present two images I created from a photo taken in a botanical garden in Prague. My husband was…

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    Sometimes I need more colour

    There is less light during winter here and not so many sunny days. Without snowy whiteness, such a winter’s day can be absolutely dreary. Why not bring some colourful atmosphere into it by focusing on available sources? That was my reasoning when I was choosing for processing the photo with those colourful chairs below, a photo that I took on one of our trips and that was waiting in my files for the right time to shine. But listen, when we are talking about colours, I have to tell you that my favourite one is green these days, the green in the Wordle game. It is the one below and…

  • Miscellaneous

    My new bullet journal for 2022

    Bullet journaling is a matter of love and hate for me. I love its style, flexibility and possibilities it offers… There are so many and you can adjust them all to your needs! …and I hate my inability to fulfil my expectations when it comes to the appearance of the journal. My drawings are not good enough, my writing does not look elegant enough, my imagination is soooo limited. Being a perfectionist does not help. And yet this method of keeping a planner makes me productive, creative and efficient and even when I ran away from it, screaming and swearing that it was too much to put up with, I…

  • Miscellaneous

    Assignment for using blending modes

    I’ve been participating in a course on Photoshop recently and one of its sections focused on using blending modes. What I like about the course is that the last lesson of each section includes an assignment requiring usage of the techniques that were explained and practised in that particular section. Sometimes also photos and images are provided to make completion of the task easier. The theme assigned for using blending modes and relating techniques was defined as MYSTERY, and the following set of photos was provided as an inspiration or a part of the final image with the freedom to choose whatever other image needed. My first impression when seeing…

  • Miscellaneous

    Learning to work with WordPress Block Editor

    When WordPress team first introduced the new block editor, I panicked. I was quite happy with my WordPress blog and the way the original editor worked and switching to the block system seemed unnecessary and intimidating. Why the change? Fortunately for all of those unwilling, a plugin was offered featuring the older (classic) editor, so I had it activated and calmed down. After some time I thought I should give the new editor a try and created a post using it. Well, how to say that… The experience felt not quite awful but definitely unconvincing so I happily reactivated the classic editor… What was spoiling my happiness though was the…