My photo projects

To start with, I have to tell you that I am an ardent advocate of photography projects of any kind. They are beneficial in many ways and there are oh so many possibilities…

I came up with my first photo project back in 2014. I was not satisfied with my photos and wanted to practise more and learn but didn’t know where to start. I was browsing the Internet for a while looking for inspiration and eventually chose a 52-week photo project. I promised myself to take and post every week a new photo, decent enough to be published.

Seemed simple but it was not easy at all. But I liked the idea of having a target in my mind supporting my photography aspirations so in the following years other projects followed.

The primary objective of each and every project of mine has been to get out and shoot. You don’t get better at something by just reading about it, you need to put it into practice, again and again. I intended to think about contents of the photos carefully, learn to master my camera and subsequently practise processing the photos.

And today I can clearly see how the hands-on experience gained from the projects influenced me, how it opened my eyes and my mind to further possibilities. With that experience my photos have become better, much better than they would have been without it.

One little warning though, following such a project is time-consuming so one should choose the theme and how to proceed wisely…

Here is an overview of the projects I worked on. If you want to see more, click on the images to read about the individual projects.