52-week photo project (2014)

I always liked taking photos but when my husband presented me with a digital reflex camera on the occasion of my birthday back in 2010, the gift marked an important milestone in the history of my photography effort. It was Canon EOS 500D and I still remember my first walk with it. And it was mine, just mine. The camera motivated me to learn more about photography and my photography skills moved forward.

Nevertheless, when looking back after a few years, I was not satisfied with the quality of my photos. I had to admit that I was taking photos just on our occasional family trips where the possibilities were rather limited and that was not good enough and also, I didn’t educate myself as much as I should have in the field of photography. I wanted to see some better progress, a learning curve along the way, so as one way of helping it I decided to begin a 52-week photography project.

The rules of the project meant that I promised myself to take and post a photo every week of the year. I was not allowed to use any old photos, each photo had to be taken within that particular week. The contents of the photos were not specified or limited. If more photos were taken in the week, I was supposed to select just one for this project, the others could have found their way into my other posts if they were interesting enough.

Although taking and posting a photo a week may sound easy, if you mean it seriously, it is not easy at all. Especially when you are not an experienced photographer knowing all the how and why. On the other hand, if you make the effort, you are rewarded abundantly. You grow and learn. After completing the project I summarized what it meant to me in this post.

All the posts related to this project can be found under the tag 52-week photo project 2014.

Below you can see all the photos I posted, you can click on them to see them enlarged.