Places in Czech Republic

Frosty walk in Rejvíz

The village Rejvíz in Jeseníky mountains is a place where I like to come back. I always enjoy strolling through the village and a walk to the adjacent Great Moss Lake is almost a must and definitely a welcome relaxation.

During our last visit we could enjoy charming frosty views and as it was quite early in the morning, also not so many people in this usually quite intensively visited area. That was good, I find it important to get away from crowds here and there to listen to both sounds and silence of the nature around…

When I was looking at my photos later at home and was editting them, some sceneries looked good in colours…

…while other expressed the feelings I had rather in sentimental black and white…

Sometimes both versions spoke volumes to me like these ones from the Great Moss Lake itself…

… or these of the WWI monument, where I also like the behind-the-veil-of-history version.

It’s just a short walk of several kilometres to the lake and back and along the village’s main street but it always makes me relax and perceive something new or perhaps just the same but in a different way. In today’s fast way of living I find it more than welcome.
