Places in Czech Republic

Trip to Lhota – Part 1

Winter has been enormously persistent here this year, here as well as in many other parts of the world as I can see from my fellow blogger friends. I find it increasingly harder to manage my duties at home, let alone all the challenges I face, I’ve been longingly waiting for warmer and sunnier days.

I know, whining doesn’t improve anything… it even doesn’t bring any relief. It’s necessary to be looking for a source of energy. Sometimes it comes from unexpected directions and I found one when our former colleague visited us at work a few weeks ago. I was dressed in blue jeans and a dark blue sweater while she came in orange trousers, bright yellow T-shirt and a light grey sweater. My boss was praising her choice of colours and told her that she was bringing spring to us and I realised how much we influence ourselves by clothes we wear and things we surround ourselves with.

I was browsing my photos for a while to pick out the ones I felt like sharing and I chose the ones taken in summer 2011. That summer I spent with my children three weeks at my mothers-in-law in Moravia while my husband was supervising the final part of reconstruction of our house. I made a few trips and the one I liked most of all was a trip to Lhota. I planned it according to a map, took my sons and spent a wonderful day. Let’s take a few stops along the way…

The plant climbing the house’s walls might be a variety of Hedera or Parthenocissus quinquefolia, I love those green-covered walls. They say that these plants are quite aggressive and may damage plastering, moreover they let more insect species reach windows and rooms behind them, that’s why I wouldn’t be brave or foolish enough to decorate our house with them. But it’s always a treat to see such a house.

We followed a road first, then a path in a meadow and were going up further… and further… It was a nice summer day making you feel good.

Along our way we came to an enclosure with a few grazing horses. They looked beautiful but were quite faraway so I went closer to the fence eager to take a few photos.

I didn’t expect my presence would draw any attention and was really surprised when they turned and started to run at my direction. They might have been just curious and there was the fence separating us but I felt somewhat frightened and backed away a bit. They stopped and gathered together, much calmer but still watching me.

It was time to go on.
