Focused on photography

Means of transport

It’s the last day of the month today and I’m here to present the five final photos I selected from those I’ve taken for the September theme of my 12-month photo project, which was MEANS OF TRANSPORT.

No. 1: Bicycles

I took this photo in front of a shop where several great-looking bicycles were displayed to tempt prospective buyers. The circles attracted my attention and for me, the detail beat the whole.

No. 2: Car and beetle

People have their cars decorated in many more or less interesting ways, don’t they? I loved that beetle and its metallic lustre as soon as I saw it, I was happy to have my camera with me to capture it. I was thinking about transforming the photo to black & white but I liked it better with that hint of brown.

No. 3: Cars in the street

Sometimes you get lucky and get a bonus when making an effort… or perhaps sometimes we perceive some circumstances subconsciously and don’t realise them. I glimpsed that street with the line of the cars by the pavement and the prominent orange decoration of the doors when walking in Pilsen and I liked certain balance of the scene. It was not until at home that I noticed how much the repetitive colours of the cars (and the rubbish bin) added to the balance… It’s also interesting that the cars always face one another, it’s quite unusual.

No. 4: Yamaha motorbike

Another detail, this time of a motorbike. Black & white suits it, it makes the parts look even more elegant.

No. 5: Cars and the sign

As you may know, the white sign marks a parking place for a car transporting a person confined to a wheelchair. I found the scene interesting, the parked cars and the sign between them… and after I took the photo, I started to think about whether I could use it for this theme or not. Is the photo about the sign or about the cars or perhaps about both? And then it dawned on me that it actually doesn’t matter because what else is a wheelchair than a means of transport?

That’s it. I hope you enjoyed the images, the theme for October is CONTRAST.

All completed themes of the project can be found HERE.
