• Reflections

    Abstract vision

    My son attended an exhibition with his class today and that led to our subsequent discussion about the styles of paintings we like and dislike. We’ve found out that we especially do not see eye to eye with one another on abstract art, which I like and my son does not. That made me rummage through my photo archive to find if I have any abstract photos at all. And I have, look at one of them… As much as I love sharpness and contrast, abstract vision opens to me a door to different perception. What do you feel when looking at an abstract? I always feel curiosity and need…

  • Reflections

    Shades of simplicity

    Simple may be ugly. Simple may be dull. But simple may also be beautiful… Ingenious… And even sophisticated. I love simple ideas and inventions that make a great difference. I love simple photos that are talking loudly. And when creating my still life images, I strive for simplicity that may be extremely simple and yet expresses calmness, illusion, thoughts not yet spoken aloud. Simple may open a door to imagination… Which means… simple may not be simple at all…

  • Reflections

    Having realised my word for next year

    During this year I made a decision to change things and run this blog without comments allowed. Just to keep the blog as inspiration to myself and to those who find it inspiring and to free myself from expectations regarding any feedback. At the same time I made a relating decision, which was to publish also smaller posts based on let’s say just one photo or a short reflection. All of that with the aim of being more active and creative. Well, while I’m still happy with the first decision, the other one turned empty. Yet the day before yesterday I took a few photos in our village and after…

  • Reflections

    We see what we want to see

    A brain is such a smart thing and helps us a lot but sometimes it makes a fool of us. Once I read an interesting article about how brain processes signals it gets from our eyes. The brain is capable of adding missing parts, e.g. of what is at our sides when we look ahead, based on what we saw earlier and thus helps us quickly orientate ourselves. It is definitely useful but sometimes it may also be somewhat confusing because the calculated vision may not correspond entirely with reality. In July my family and I spent a few days in Italy and one of the places we visited was…

  • Reflections

    Behind the mask

    The other day I was passing a parked car and was rather startled by a smiling face with empty eyes “sitting” inside the car. When having looked properly, I found out it was just a mask attached to the front headrest. I was delighted to have my camera at hand and took a photo or two. It’s an image that makes you think, isn’t it? I used to believe that wearing a mask is wrong, that it’s just a form of a lie. Yet I understand today that a mask may not only hide a hideous face but may also protect a  fragile face and who I am to criticise…

  • Reflections

    Be fearless

    Do you pay attention to what words or ideas people can read on your clothes? I love T-shirts of many kinds but I dismissed many of them just because of what was written on their front or back, even though I loved their design. Last week I bought a T-shirt in an Orsay shop. They had it in two variants – one with short sleeves and an image of an owl without any words, the other one with semi-long sleeves and an image of the same owl, but this time with the words BE FEARLESS. I prefer short sleeves to semi-long ones but the words accentuated the image so much…

  • Reflections


    My mother used to tell me that underwear is not to be seen on a washing line and taught me to hang it behind other clothes so that it was hidden. It stuck to my mind so firmly that even after all those years I follow this rule and would feel quite uncomfortable if I had to do otherwise. The rule also made me hesitant about sharing the photo above that I took during one of our photo walks. I love the morning light shining through the laundry and find the image relating a humble story about us humans, despite the inappropriate pants. Or is it the other way around…

  • Reflections

    Unexpected meeting

    It happened a few days ago. There were many people standing in that place talking to one another. Like in a party or exhibition opening. I was present there too, watching the event I knew nothing about, when suddenly I recognised a face amid all the unknown people that was smiling happily at me. It was the face of my father. I came toward him and we embraced, joy radiating from both of us. Then my father started to dance with me slowly and we were turning around among the people. After a while I realised we were dancing a foot or two above the ground and I woke up.…

  • Reflections

    In black and white

    It’s spring, right? Birds are singing, first flowers are showing their beauty, some trees and bushes are coming into buds. And yet my photos for this week are black and white and I love their colourless but thoughtful stories. I took both of them on Sunday during our photo walk in Chudenice, it’s my hubby and me, or more precisely my hubby and my shadow. I’ve experienced quite a few changes since the beginning of this year. I’ve bought a new camera (moved from Canon to Nikon and to a bit higher level of the camera so I have a lot to learn), started to exercise regularly on our stationary…

  • Reflections

    Along that road

    I walked along that road. It was winding through the forest up and down, up and down. After some time I arrived at a crossroads where I found out that I was on the right road but was going in the wrong direction. I realised that there were some indications telling me I was going in the wrong direction but I was ignoring them deliberately. I didn’t care, for whatever reason. At the crossroads, I could not ignore the facts any more and needed to decide whether to go further and make a long detour with unsure ending or admit the mistake and go back. I had my son with…