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    PF 2015

    2014 is over and when I look back at it, I can see so many things that challenged me, enriched me and pushed me forward. We may be a year older but also we are a year more experienced and that counts. I became strongly aware of the fact that circumstances of our lives are never ideal but offer us many chances to grow personally and follow our dreams. And learn or develop something we should have done years ago but perhaps needed to grow up to it. I didn’t share many posts on this blog in 2014 but I’m pleased to say that I successfully finished my 52-week photography…

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    Happy Easter

    I have one more photo from Rabštejn nad Střelou which I want to share with you, I saved it for this special Easter occasion. Easter is a symbol of hope and generosity to me and the hallelujah it sings gives strengths and humility, both of which we need. Enjoy the Easter days and let them fill you to the brim. Happy Easter! Bůh s Tebou – God be with you

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    PF 2014

    At the close of the first day of this new year I’d like to send my best wishes to you and accompany them by words that I find very wise: “Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.”― Harold B. Melchart Beauty and inspiration often lie in the ordinary so let’s keep our eyes, minds and hearts open and enjoy that all. A Happy New Year!

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    Making up a story

    Two years ago I made a decision to take an exam in English and in its “Writing” part there were several options one could choose from. One of them was writing a story which must have begun or ended with a specified sentence and was limited by certain number of words. While preparing for the exam I tried to make up a few of those stories but as much as I liked it, it was quite challenging to me. One thing is to come up with a story and another thing is to confine it to defined space. Have you ever tried that? You might end up finding out it…

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    Meeting llamas

    My father-in-law has a brother who owns a company producing agricultural machinery. His factory is situated at the edge of a city and to promote his products he built a small restaurant facing the factory right across the road. He presents the products on the restaurant’s premises and to attract customer’s attention he started to breed a pack of llamas there. He visited Peru some time ago so perhaps that’s where his inspiration came from. My mother-in-law feeds them and every time we come to visit her, we don’t want to miss out on helping her. The llamas always notice immediately that we’re coming with buckets full of fruit and…

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    PF 2013

    The end of this year will arrive in two days and although I usually don’t make a lot of fuss about it, this turn makes me look back. It was an enormously difficult year for me to deal with and challenged me in many ways. There is a saying in Czech stating that things are never so good so that they couldn’t be better and never so bad so that they couldn’t be worse. So I tell myself that perhaps I should be grateful that things were not worse and hope that they will be better. I was watching “The Lord of the Rings” film series a few days ago…

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    Admiring bouquets

    A few weeks ago my mother-in-law celebrated her 70th birthday and invited us to come and join a party thrown on that occasion. She has known that both her son and I like taking photos and asked us to take a camera with us to preserve some memories of the party for her. We promised, how could we not to? When the date came, we sat into our car and went 500 kilometres to spend the following three days with her and to meet other more or less close relatives. Some of them are really nice people and we don’t see them very often (not even once a year) so…

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    Exhibition of bonsai

    A few years ago I visited an exhibition of bonsai trees in a near town Merklín. I was enchanted by various shapes of the bonsai and when I saw a poster a few days ago announcing this exhibition again, I firmly decided to go and see it. I did and now I want to share my impression with you. Merklín is quite a small town of a thousand inhabitants and in the local castle, there is a seat of the municipal authority. The exhibition has taken place in the castle every year since 2004, and as I could see, the number of exhibited bonsai has significantly increased since that time.…

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    Easter Wishes

    A few weeks ago I visited the city Plzeň, holding my camera tightly and eager to take a few photos. Cold wind was blowing while we were strolling through the city and the city looked quite gloomy. Nevertheless, when sun emerged among dark clouds, the atmosphere changed dramatically. A prominent contrast appeared and conjured wonderful scenes… I like the contrast in the photo as it suits Easter perfectly. The darkness of Good Friday lightened by the hope of the Resurrection, no words needed… Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter!

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    A few weeks ago I noticed an article in the back of a company bulletin promoting an exhibition called “Leonardo da Vinci’s Face – Story of the Order of the Knights Templar”. It caught my attention, so I copied the article and intended to find out more pieces of information. Finally I became quite eager to go and see the exhibition and made a plan for a family outing. My husband and both children agreed and we went there last Saturday. Well, I can tell you now that I’ve been inspired by both the castle Zbiroh where the exhibition has taken place and the exhibition itself and I’d like to…