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    Cosmos Discovery exhibition

    Just before the end of the last year, my family and I visited a Cosmos Discovery exhibition in Prague, an exhibition telling the story of space flights and exploration. The exhibition has been prepared in cooperation with the American NASA and space museum and education center Cosmosphere and we’ve learned many interesting facts about the history, presence and potential future of space flights. It is not the case of this post to repeat the information, I’d much rather wanted to share a few photos illustrating the atmosphere of the exhibition. I needed to absorb the atmosphere myself before starting to use my camera at all, there was so much to…

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    End-of-year wishes

    I haven’t been much active on this (or any other) blog lately but I wouldn’t want to miss out on this last post of the year. May it be somewhat personal? You know, I could count the reasons and excuses for my absence here readily but in the core, there definitely lies shortage of discipline and motivation. I don’t function well based on swings of mood, I need plans, deadlines and visions. Then I make progress, then I am creative. Abandoning the planning and dwelling amidst doubts, negative thoughts and lazy attitudes have always led me into the hell of rejection and it is so easy to get tempted to…

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    All Souls’ Day

    Every November, 2 we celebrate All Souls’ Day here in the Czech Republic. On the one hand it is a Christian feast when a church prays for the faithfully deceased, on the other hand it is a day when many people regardless of their faith come to cemeteries, clean and decorate for winter their family tombs and also light a candle in memory of those buried there. It’s a beautiful tradition and I always like to see so many candles lit at the same time and expressing all the memories and prayers. As much as I like that tradition and tried several times to capture the atmosphere, I’ve never liked…

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    Bee house impression

    Do you like honey? And do you appreciate knowledgeable local beekeepers? I do, so when Lenka, a colleague of mine, invited me to participate in the 1st year of “Honey days” planned to be held in their family bee house, I was looking forward to that occasion. And I was not disappointed at all when the day arrived as I got to know a lot about how bees are cared for, how the honey is made and collected, and what are the rules of proper beekeeping. Moreover, the weather was fine and the atmosphere of the  excursion was very friendly and kind. One usually sees just a few beehives together…

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    Using Trello for learning vocabulary

    Do you know Trello? It is an online board system for planning and organising that can be used by individuals, teams or whole companies, you can read everything about it on Trello’s website HERE. After a colleague of mine had told me about its existence a few months ago, I created my first board and it occurred to me that I could use the system also for learning foreign vocabulary. I created a new board for that purpose and here is how it works for me. (Sorry for the lower quality of the print-screen images.) In a nutshell, a Trello board is a set of columns with cards which you…

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    Merry Christmas

    I thought I would not create any Christmas post this year but here I am as I could not resist the tugging of the moment. I find the Christmas card I’ve created this time to be soft and peaceful and playful and those characteristics reflect both my feelings and my wishes to you. Enjoy the Christmas time in a peaceful and relaxed way and get all the energy it offers. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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    Castle art

    In June, my hubby and I visited the Kašperk castle. We decided to participate in a guided tour to see the insides of the castle once again and to listen to the history of the place. During the tour, I noticed in an inner yard that several of window openings were covered with boards featuring drawings of coats of arms. The drawings were attracting my attention more than the history so instead of listening to our guide I was taking their photos with the aim of processing them somehow back at home. The coats of arms don’t seem real although the “leaves” on the sides resemble a similar decoration in the…

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    Valentine’s Day is a feast imported to the Czech Republic especially based on commercial reasons and is not celebrated by many. At least I don’t know anyone in my circle of family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues who would celebrate it… There is no local tradition connected with it and also, romance doesn’t seem to be a popular word here, rather something to sneer at. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day either but it inspired me yesterday when I was thinking about a topic for a post. Here are a few heart-related photos I took on various occasions and haven’t shared yet. No. 1: Window This is a detail of a little…

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    My bullet journaling adventure continues

    Have you ever heard of bullet journaling? To put it in a nutshell, bullet journaling is a way of keeping one’s events and tasks organised. It uses a bullet journal, which is a self-made planner. It can be more or less creative, full of drawings and colours or based just on simple notes. It has its rules but they are adaptable, you decide which apply and which need to be changed. I started my bullet journaling adventure almost two years ago in February 2016 and I’m here today to tell you I still keep a journal and adapt it to my needs. If you compared how my bullet journal looks…

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    Christmas wishes

    Christmas will be here in just a few days so before you become absorbed in final preparations and Christmas festivities, I’d like to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. When I was looking for some wise words to share with you on this special occasion, I came across the following quote by the comedian Demetri Martin. It made me laugh and feel the mirth and I thought, why not something funny for a change? Here it goes: “I set a personal record on Christmas. I got my shopping done three weeks ahead of time. I had all the presents back at my apartment. I was halfway through wrapping them,…