

Valentine’s Day is a feast imported to the Czech Republic especially based on commercial reasons and is not celebrated by many. At least I don’t know anyone in my circle of family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues who would celebrate it… There is no local tradition connected with it and also, romance doesn’t seem to be a popular word here, rather something to sneer at.

I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day either but it inspired me yesterday when I was thinking about a topic for a post. Here are a few heart-related photos I took on various occasions and haven’t shared yet.

No. 1: Window

This is a detail of a little garden house in the castle Kozel, I felt attracted by that charming window decoration and contrast.

No. 2: Wooden decorations

These little decorations made of wood were beautifully lit by sun and brought warmth to my mind and soul when I saw them. Sometimes the little things have quite an unexpected impact.

No. 3: Gingerbread hearts

At a fair, you can buy gingerbread hearts with sugar icing for your grandma or grandpa, for your darling husband or lover, and you can even express your love in sweet words made of sugar.

No. 4: Bench

A detail of a bench that I surprisingly discovered at the edge of a wood up on a hill where a tourist mark guided our steps during one of our holiday outings. From the bench, and I hope I remember it correctly, there was a nice view of the countryside.

No. 5: Lost heart

I found this little heart stuck on a bush behind an old church and I was wondering whether there might have been a wedding with guests throwing such little hearts at the newlyweds to wish them love in their marriage.

Take care of your hearts and hearts of your dear ones not to get lost at any time…

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you who celebrate it!
