Focused on photography


It is the last day of January today and according to the rules of my 12-month photo project I am supposed to publish 3 to 5 photos that I took throughout the month based on the theme of the month, which was BUILDINGS.

It wasn’t easy to select those 3 to 5 representative photos for this post but here is the selection. In my opinion, these photos fulfil the theme appropriately and are interesting enough to stand on their own. They are presented in random order.

No. 1: A house in Dobřany

The simple and yet prominent shapes and lines of this house felt attractive to me and the snow covering the roofs helped to create a minimalist look that I love.

No. 2: A church in Dobřany

You may not agree with me but I love the distorted lines of the church and the other building. After looking at the scene for a while my eyes always find the path and follow it inside the photo, then they follow the lines of the buildings and lead me to the upper part of the photo and then they return to the beginning of the path. I could look at the photo for a long time, discovering it again and again.

No. 3: A building in Dobřany

I liked this small building placed in school premises and decorated with playful drawings and I also liked the soft colours of the scene. Funnily enough, it was not until I was preparing this post that I noticed the fact that the drawings depict other buildings and places situated in the town.

No. 4: A building in Švihov

This is a side of a very unusual house that looked like an old church adopted for living. As I found out on the Internet, the building used to be a church that was part of a spital areal serving to the poor and ill, the church’s history reaches back to 14th century. In 1788 it was deconsecrated and has been used as a family house since then. The last owners (a family where both parents are archaeologists) found the place in 1998 and started its restoration. A very unusual place to live in…

No. 5: Agriculture buildings in Švihov

I love a scenery like this, that industrial look makes my pulse quicken. I was happy to have the opportunity to try and capture it in my photos. Nevertheless, when I was trying to capture the buildings, the fence was blocking the view and was absolutely bothersome. It was placed in such a way that I couldn’t get behind it, I couldn’t get above it, I couldn’t avoid its presence in my photo… First I took a few photos with the fence being just in the lower part of the photo or being blurred to be less prominent but neither worked for me, the photos were sparkles. So I decided to make the fence a part of the photo and I like this version much better. Yes, the fence is prominent and a bit distracting but on the other hand, it can help telling a story or two.

Well, that’s it. As January has been quite cold here and especially in its first half it was often snowing, it was quite challenging to shoot buildings. On the other hand, I took photos I wouldn’t have taken otherwise and captured different types of scenes than I was used to. Great experience, I can tell you, and I hope that at least one of the photos has caught your attention.

The theme for February will be PART OF THE WHOLE.

All completed themes of the project can be found HERE.
