Focused on photography

Apple inspiration

The other day I was peeling apples and their shapes and colours caught my attention. I brought my apron (that I like but rarely use), picked a few leaves of lemon balm that grew in a pot on my window sill and played with my camera for a while. This is the photo that I liked most:

I played also when processing the photo and liked the darker, less saturated version. It’s tricky to try and change colours of fruit and herbs…

The following photo presents the same settings but quite shallow depth of field which makes the eye return to that focused part again and again. There is still enough detail but the parts are not that distracting.

Here is another view with more apples and a different perspective:

I experimented a bit more with that photo and sent it to Nik’s Analog Efex plug-in and finally came up with this ghost-like image:

Unusually looking, isn’t it? It stirs something deeply emotional within me though I’m unable to put my finger on it.

A few apples and lots of fun, as you can see…
