Today I am sharing some of my photos from Chanovice, the village I had assigned to August in my photo project for this year. I selected 35 photos again, as in the previous months. Chanovice has just about 720 inhabitants but the first written record that mentions the village dates back to the 14th century. There are several interesting objects in the village. A chateau, whose building has been used as an elementary school and a museum of folk craft; a former farmyard that has been rebuilt and nowadays includes an information centre and a gallery; a Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; an observation tower; and an open-air museum with exhibition…
Air Park
In February my hubby and I visited an air park in Zruč u Plzně where we were looking for some interesting captures for our photo project. You could already see some photos in my part of the whole post but I would like to show you more as the air park is quite a special place. The air park is an open-air aviation museum where you can find both civil and military planes and helicopters, and also military vehicles such as tanks and armoured vehicles. Many of them were saved from becoming scrap and are maintained to keep history alive. The open-air museum was established in 1993 by father and son Tarantíks who gathered the exhibits. It is…
Part of the whole
It is the last day of February today and according to the rules of my 12-month photo project I am supposed to publish 3 to 5 photos that I took throughout the month based on the theme of the month, which this time was PART OF THE WHOLE. Part of the whole can be interpreted in many ways so for the sake of this project, the meaning was limited to a detail that defines the whole so that from the detail you can say what the whole is. Simply said, the detail should not be abstract. Without further ado, here is my selection: No. 1: Part of a plane I should call this…
Open-air museum in Strážnice
There is an open-air museum in the Moravian town Strážnice, which has been open since 1981. It shows traditional architecture and history of living styles of South-East Moravian villages of the area called Slovácko. The terrain of the museum was modelled and planted so that the area resembled the original locations. Look at the inventively woven fence and roof and a detail of the roof taken from its downside. When I was watching photographs of the museum displayed on the Internet, I didn’t find them very interesting. The place looked still and abandoned, as if life escaped from it. But as one day was supposed to be cold and rainy…