Places in Czech Republic


Today I am sharing some of my photos from Chanovice, the village I had assigned to August in my photo project for this year. I selected 35 photos again, as in the previous months.

Chanovice has just about 720 inhabitants but the first written record that mentions the village dates back to the 14th century.

There are several interesting objects in the village. A chateau, whose building has been used as an elementary school and a museum of folk craft; a former farmyard that has been rebuilt and nowadays includes an information centre and a gallery; a Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; an observation tower; and an open-air museum with exhibition of historical architecture where several old local buildings have been transported and preserved.

Let me remind you that the following selection of my photos is not meant to be any representation of the village, it just reflects the views and details that captured my attention.

Click on the photos to enlarge them if you want to see more.
