• Miscellaneous

    Cosmos Discovery exhibition

    Just before the end of the last year, my family and I visited a Cosmos Discovery exhibition in Prague, an exhibition telling the story of space flights and exploration. The exhibition has been prepared in cooperation with the American NASA and space museum and education center Cosmosphere and we’ve learned many interesting facts about the history, presence and potential future of space flights. It is not the case of this post to repeat the information, I’d much rather wanted to share a few photos illustrating the atmosphere of the exhibition. I needed to absorb the atmosphere myself before starting to use my camera at all, there was so much to…

  • Miscellaneous

    Inspiring woman

    Have you ever heard about the writer Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach? I hadn’t until I visited the Archbishop chateau in Kroměříž last summer and saw a little unusual exhibition presented in the chateau’s tower on the 100th anniversary of her death. Her words flying in the air captured my attention… Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach was a writer of Moravian origin writing in German language. She is considered to be one of the most important women writers of the 19th century who wrote in German. She was born in September 13, 1830 in Zdislavice, not far from Kroměříž, to the noble family of Count Dubský and his wife. When she married, she and…

  • Miscellaneous

    Bonsai exhibition

    At the end of May my family and I visited an exhibition of bonsai in Merklín. Merklín is just a small town with about a thousand inhabitants but it started tradition of bonsai exhibitions in 2004 and still keeps it alive. Every year it invites fans of bonsai and Japanese culture generally to the local castle in the yard of which the exhibition takes place. This was the third time of our visiting and as I am no expert in this field, I could see just “the same” beautiful and interesting plants I had seen before yet I enjoyed the atmosphere of the event. In front of the castle, there…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Art in Klenová

    In my previous post I promised to share some information about art we could see in Klenová and here I am to fulfil my promise. The castle in Klenová serves to present works of art in many forms. During our visit we saw an exhibition of paintings, an exhibition of photographs and several statues placed in the premises of the castle. There were more than you will see in my photos but these were the ones that impressed me most. Please take into account that looking at my captures doesn’t correspond entirely to standing in the statues’s nearness and even touching them… I have to admit that I quite regret…

  • Plzeň

    Bee in my bonnet

    There are doors which open in our lives and invite us to explore other rooms. We may discover their beauties, commonness or unpleasantness but they all leave some experience we should learn of. But of course, we all hope for the beauties… A few weeks ago I was invited to write a guest post for a “Vision and Verb” blog. I didn’t know the blog so I was browsing it for a while, reading some of its posts and looking for connections. I found motivation, inspiration, imagination and a wonderful group of cooperators and their guests. I agreed and wrote my guest post and started to participate in commenting. It’s…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Metal art in Bezdružice

    To change the topics dealing with castles and nature reserves for a while, I’ve searched my archives and found a few older photos I’d like to share. A castle plays a role here but not the lead one. I have to go back, to August 2008, when my husband was too busy at work and I spent my holiday going on daily trips with our children. One of the outings headed for the castle in Bezdružice, a city which I found a bit lost and dull at the time. I parked the car and we went up to the castle. It’s quite a nice building… and when we reached the…

  • Miscellaneous

    Exhibition of bonsai

    A few years ago I visited an exhibition of bonsai trees in a near town Merklín. I was enchanted by various shapes of the bonsai and when I saw a poster a few days ago announcing this exhibition again, I firmly decided to go and see it. I did and now I want to share my impression with you. Merklín is quite a small town of a thousand inhabitants and in the local castle, there is a seat of the municipal authority. The exhibition has taken place in the castle every year since 2004, and as I could see, the number of exhibited bonsai has significantly increased since that time.…

  • Miscellaneous


    A few weeks ago I noticed an article in the back of a company bulletin promoting an exhibition called “Leonardo da Vinci’s Face – Story of the Order of the Knights Templar”. It caught my attention, so I copied the article and intended to find out more pieces of information. Finally I became quite eager to go and see the exhibition and made a plan for a family outing. My husband and both children agreed and we went there last Saturday. Well, I can tell you now that I’ve been inspired by both the castle Zbiroh where the exhibition has taken place and the exhibition itself and I’d like to…