• Places in Czech Republic

    Technical Příbram

    This year I’ve been pursuing a photo project called “Technical”, you can read more about its rules and my expectations here. My first target for the project was the town Příbram and its vicinity and here are the photos I liked most. When editing the raw files, I was aiming rather at the atmosphere than at the actual look, there is often much more to it than what we see with the naked eye, isn’t there? Click on the photos to enlarge them if you want to see them better. Příbram used to be a mining town and the traces of its history are present in many of its parts.…

  • Focused on photography


    Sometimes life is full of colours… …and sometimes it’s void of them… …but it’s always open to possibilities and creativity. Two weeks ago I visited the town Příbram and came across this interesting set of three birdhouses. They were situated quite high and behind a fence so I didn’t have much possibilities for finding the best angle for capturing them but I tried my best to get the gist of the scenery. I edited the photo but was not happy about the result. So I edited it more, highlighting the birdhouses, dodging and burning, adding textures to the background and deploying blend modes. I liked that result much more, I…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    For the love of details

    A few weeks ago we visited my mom, who lives in Příbram, which is a town in Central Bohemia. I took my camera with me for the occasion of “what if… we went for a walk”. We did and I took a few miscellaneous details that I want to share with you. No. 1: Watch out for childrenThere are standard traffic signs we all are used to and need to know when driving but passing by the signs along the same routes repeatedly makes them often sort of invisible to our eyes. I loved this colourful sign drawing attention to its message. No. 2: Alfa RomeoAlfa Romeo is not a common car…

  • Miscellaneous

    At the eleventh hour

    Some time ago I read in English “The Woman in White” by Wilkie Collins and really liked the story and its characters. I met there – for the first time – an English phrase “at the eleventh hour” and understood from the context that it meant “at the last moment”. I looked at my dictionary and browsed the Internet and found the following explanation: “The eleventh hour is the last possible moment at which something can be done, or which problems or solutions might arise. The phrase, “at the eleventh” hour became popular in the 19th century, but was in use much earlier. It alludes specifically to the book of Matthew…