• Reflections


    Before I got married, my favourite styles of music had been contemporary folk and classical music. Then my husband-to-be entered my life and brought his favourite rock music into our household. I discovered quite a new musical world but did not find it overwhelmingly appealing. I did like some rock ballads and from time to time a rock song but did not enjoy and often could not stand those lengthy instrumental interludes my husband was speaking about passionately. A few weeks ago he bought a CD. He did not tell me a word about it but I noticed it playing one day and as its music aroused my curiosity I…

  • Poetry


    I am knocking Knocking at my soulasking permission to enter I keep knocking Are you present therethough not displayed in the center? I am not coming with empty handscan you see? I am bringing all the beauty I have met todayI am bringing all the strength I have gathered todayI am bringing all the love I have received today Because I know how fragile,full of uncertainties you areholding your fears inside youyet setting high the bar I know how scared you areof challenges you facebut I know there is courageto accept them with good grace I witnessed your great braveryso many, many timesI saw it in your shining faceand twinkling…

  • Around home and village

    April changes

    On 1 April which was the last Easter day we spent a few hours in the wood which is situated near our house. Although there were still some remnants of snow, the air wasn’t that cold and the walk was very pleasant. The only thing which made me feel a bit disturbed were traces of wild boars’ presence. They say the boars are over-abundant here. Supposedly they hide during the day and I’ve never seen any but I really wouldn’t want to run into any of them. The scenery was calm and sleeping, resembling autumn rather than spring and there wasn’t much to be admired but I liked the yellow…

  • Reflections

    Meeting warmth

    One of the things that make me happy in my garden is a little clump of chives that I love to add to soups or to scatter them on boiled potatoes. They are best in late spring or early summer before hot days dry their juiciness out. I usually cut them a lot at that time prior to their flowering and keep them in our freezer for later use. I’ve learnt to use more herbs and spices lately and a week ago I remembered a spice mixture which I used to buy years ago. I decided to buy and taste it again so I made a mental note and when…

  • Around home and village

    Snow here and there

    We enjoyed snow during the last few weeks but now it’s definitely gone. And I wasn’t able to take any photo as I was ill. It made me browse through my older photos and I found a few which I’d like to share with you, I’ve chosen them for various reasons. All of the shots were taken in or near the village I’ve lived in. No. 1: I like the greenish tinge of the scene and also the wooden cart. I’m used to seeing such a cart as just a much smaller toy sold in shops specialised in handicraft. No. 2: Another tinge, rust-coloured now. I find the branches in…

  • Around home and village

    First snow

    It was snowing all day and night yesterday and as the temperature was stuck under the zero, we woke up into beautiful whiteness this morning. Just on Friday I finished covering some of the plants in our garden with branches to protect them against harsh winter and I’m so glad I managed to do it in time. We have a saying stating that “Martin comes riding a white horse”, which relates to 11th November being the Martin’s name day. It is quite usual that in the middle of November we experience the first snow, hence the white horse. This year the snow has come a bit sooner and I find…

  • Around home and village

    Flowers I can still admire in my garden

    There are still some flowers in front of our house and in our garden and I’d like to share their beauty and my experience in growing them with you. I love this variety of Pelargonium, they are so easy to grow and have never disappointed me. If I forget to water them from time to time, they don’t fade right away and although they need fertilising if they are supposed to be rich in flowers, they endure somewhat harsh condition too. I used to decorate our windows with them but now I plant them into pots and big containers in front of our house to prevent our new outside plastering…