Winter warmth
When planning my still-life photo project for this year, I chose “Winter warmth” as January theme. My goal was to capture the feeling of being warm and comfortable despite winter chill.
I even unwrapped the light chain I bought several years ago to use it one day in my photographs!

As I imagined warmth, my mind filled with a cup of good tea to enjoy, an absorbing book to read, soft glow of candle light to admire, and comfortable layers of warm clothing to wear, such as sweaters, scarves, hats, and gloves.

A bunch of Muscari flowers helped to add a pleasant touch of winter’s quiet beauty to my composition.

However, the photography itself presented a complex challenge as each decision felt dificult. Deciding on the best composition, selecting the ideal focus point, choosing the right aperture… I was experimenting with different light sources – natural window light, external flash with soft box, and permanent artificial lighting – and realized I still need to learn more about all of them.

What fascinates me most about photography is its unpredictability. You never know where it takes you as one setup leads to another one, slightly changed or entirely new. And while I’m not fully satisfied with the final images, I like the resulting ideas and I’m proud of showing up and trying.

Looking forward to the next assignment featuring “Shapes and Shadows”!