Focused on photography

My photo project for 2018

Last year my hubby and I were striving to fulfil a 12-month photo project with a theme (such as buildings, people, contrast, etc.) defined for each month. When the project was nearing its end, we both wanted to continue together somehow and started discussions about how to do that.

Of course, we could just come up with new themes and continue in the same way this year but it didn’t seem attractive any more, we longed for a change. After a few heated but eventually constructive debates we agreed on an assignment interesting and inspiring for both of us so here is the project we would like to work on and fulfil this year.

– Chanovice – former castle used as an elementary school (2008) –

Let me explain first that administration of the Czech Republic is divided into 14 regions as demonstrated in the map below. The coloured area shows the Pilsen Region where we live.

We’ve chosen 12 municipalities in the Pilsen Region, each for one month as shown below. We are going to visit and photograph the towns and their close surroundings belonging under the towns’ administration. We’ve chosen places we consider appealing and worthy of more than one visit, some of them we partially know, others we’ve never been to.

Here is the schedule:

January … Žinkovy
February … Horšovský Týn
March … Žichovice
April … Chudenice
May … Konstantinovy Lázně
June … Kašperské Hory
July … Manětín
August … Chanovice
September … Sušice
October … Nýrsko
November … Nečtiny
December … Bezděkov

And here is a map where you can see distribution of the selected places within the region. The numbers correspond with the months so 1 = January = Žinkovy, etc.

The aim of the project is to improve our photography skills, to get to know better the area where we live and to visit the places repeatedly within the particular month to have more time to explore and capture them.

– Kašperk castle by Kašperské Hory (2008) –

Just like in the previous project, at the end of each month we have to publish a post presenting the assigned place. I will post just my photos here, you can see them under the label 12-month photo project 2018, my hubby will post his photos on his blog. The number of the presented photos is not determined this time but all the presented photos have to be taken within the assigned month.

– Nečtiny – vault (2017) –

I am an ardent advocate of photography projects of any kind. There are so many possibilities… This is just a yearly project but I can imagine that it could grow into something bigger. And I can clearly see how the themes from the last year’s project influenced me, how they opened my eyes and my mind and with that experience my next photos will be better than they would be without it.

I hope that even though this project is local, it can inspire you to use your camera more often, to get to know your local area better, and to build upon your knowledge.
