Focused on photography

Birdie and candle

As I promised myself, I started this year’s still-life photo project in the previous days and after the first two weeks I can tell you I find it quite technically challenging (as I expected so no surprise here). Controlling light is definitely not easy but together with visualisation it is the vital part of still-life photography…

It is nice to have some helpful equipment but you must know how to use it, so first of all I need/ed

  • to find out how to set correctly the remote control of my external flash when this is not described in any of my manuals in detail (but hurray, I found some information online),
  • to decide whether I have to buy a TTL cable or not (probably not but it would have its advantages),
  • to learn how to use properly the external flash and to set correctly the supportive light (looking for information, trying on site, evaluating and trying again),
  • to be able to decide when to use diffused flash light and/or an external light source and when just natural light from an adjacent window (I guess the deciding will become easier with some experience) …

So many options and for the moment such unsure results.

But I do make the effort and I am really glad about it and already feel intrigued by all the possibilities. The action makes the creative juices flow and you know, it’s energizing to keep going…
