Focused on photography


I took the photo above based on several reasons:

  1. I liked the colours
  2. I liked the patterns and their contrast
  3. I liked the different textures

And funnily enough, look at the resulting image, where it all ended. Colours are gone, patterns and textures are partly sidelined, and the overall tone is quite dark. And yet this is a much more expressive scenery than the one captured in the original photo. The same and yet not the same, mirrored in my thoughts, feelings and expectations.

Sometimes it’s not good to stop just after you started.

Sometimes you need to make a few more steps to arrive where you wanted to be in the first place.

Sometimes we perceive more than we realize and it takes time to convert the perception into something palpable.

But well, that’s the gist and magic of art, isn’t it?
