

I wish my blogging was more regular and more frequent but sometimes I’m lazy, many times I feel like having nothing interesting to share, other times life itself gets into way. And then when I have an idea I would like to write about I sometimes catch myself in time not to share something angry, complaining, negative.

It’s somehow easier to let our anger or dissatisfaction speak aloud on our behalf but well, I prefer looking for balance and positive mindful thinking in this place. I want me to grow when writing the posts and you to be enriched and inspired when reading them, I do not opt for sinking deep and low. Neither for you nor for me.

Though it may seem utterly tempting sometimes… Do you know that pulling sensation and expected relief that never comes?

So to resist the pull, let me share something creative today – an image I’ve just created from an older photo of mine. Once I captured three plush owls looking sadly behind a window and I loved that expression, though otherwise the photo wasn’t attractive enough. I like playing with such photos in Nik Collection software, especially in its Analog Efex module, I find so much inspiration there… And this one I finished with a texture in Photoshop.

Sad but not in a bad way, I guess, making me wonder what’s there to be seen or watched…
