• Miscellaneous


    Valentine’s Day is a feast imported to the Czech Republic especially based on commercial reasons and is not celebrated by many. At least I don’t know anyone in my circle of family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues who would celebrate it… There is no local tradition connected with it and also, romance doesn’t seem to be a popular word here, rather something to sneer at. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day either but it inspired me yesterday when I was thinking about a topic for a post. Here are a few heart-related photos I took on various occasions and haven’t shared yet. No. 1: Window This is a detail of a little…

  • Focused on photography

    One plus additional

    The November theme of my 12-month photo project was defined as ONE PLUS ADDITIONAL which was meant to be a photo accompanied and complemented by a few other related photos. The main photo had to be taken in November, all the photos taken this year could be used as the complementary photos. There were actually more ways of how to interpret this assignment so after having created several sets I decided to choose just those strictly satisfying the conditions. For example, I excluded a set of five observation towers… The photo I took in November was the largest in the set but it was not the main photo, it was just…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Revisiting Kozel castle

    During the last several years I posted quite a few photos taken in the park surrounding the Kozel castle. I’ve known the castle since my childhood but I see it differently every time I come there. The park is charming in each and every season. I’d like to add a few more photos to that collection today. The castle which is in the upper part of the photo above is not the only interesting building in the complex. Below it you can see greenhouses where plants are kept and grown during the colder months of a year. I liked that overall as well as detailed view. In the following photo…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Autumnal colours

    What makes autumn so interesting to me are its colours and atmosphere. Fog and sunny rays are not afraid of one another and they share many autumn days. Light is softly changed in this period and colours are deeper, haze on the horizon makes the scenery somewhat sentimental. And even many places that wouldn’t catch my attention during another season become poetic and memorable. Don’t you think so? Just have a look at the pool…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Kozel castle – Part 3

    I tidied up my blog a bit, got rid of some older posts I found pointless, dressed the blog in a winter coat and now I can happily return to the last part of my Kozel castle series: There is a small island in the pond inhabited by ducks. I saw it from this side of the pond for the first time and was surprised that it was arranged and maintained. There were many ducks, coming for feed and looking tame, they were not afraid of watching people at all. Only when a dog appeared and ran after them, they followed their instinct without hesitation and flew away. I guess…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Kozel castle – Part 2

    So, the New Year is not that “new” any more… do you feel settled? As my birthday is at the beginning of January, a start of a year is also the start of another year of my life, funny feeling… How many years will follow… better not to know. I was wondering whether to continue my autumnal Kozel castle series when glittery white snow was everywhere here but as the snow has been disappearing lately and green and brown colours have been appearing again, the decision has been made for me. I am starting with a scrapbook page I created in the scrapbooking course following one of its assignments. I…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Kozel castle – Part 1

    The official website of the castle Kozel states that this castle is the most visited castle in western Bohemia. On the one hand I wonder whether this statement might be biased but on the other hand I find it easily believable. I love the castle with its beautiful garden and park and I like to come back from time to time. But I don’t remember being there in autumn… this might have been for the first time… and I was enchanted. The castle season ends on 31st October in the Czech Republic, and we came there on Saturday, the 30th. It was a nice afternoon. Quite cold but accompanied by…