• Miscellaneous

    Castle art

    In June, my hubby and I visited the Kašperk castle. We decided to participate in a guided tour to see the insides of the castle once again and to listen to the history of the place. During the tour, I noticed in an inner yard that several of window openings were covered with boards featuring drawings of coats of arms. The drawings were attracting my attention more than the history so instead of listening to our guide I was taking their photos with the aim of processing them somehow back at home. The coats of arms don’t seem real although the “leaves” on the sides resemble a similar decoration in the…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Kašperské Hory

    Kašperské Hory was the town assigned to June in my photo project for this year and here I am to present some of the photos I took there. 35 photos again, as in the previous months. By the way, I was quite surprised to see that many of the photos I took were in the portrait rather than landscape format, not quite typical for me. The town Kašperské Hory has about 1500 inhabitants. It is situated in a beautiful area of Šumava mountains and many tourists visit it throughout the whole year. In the 14th century it was an important town for its gold mines. To guard the boarder and protect the goldfields…

  • Focused on photography

    My photo project for 2018

    Last year my hubby and I were striving to fulfil a 12-month photo project with a theme (such as buildings, people, contrast, etc.) defined for each month. When the project was nearing its end, we both wanted to continue together somehow and started discussions about how to do that. Of course, we could just come up with new themes and continue in the same way this year but it didn’t seem attractive any more, we longed for a change. After a few heated but eventually constructive debates we agreed on an assignment interesting and inspiring for both of us so here is the project we would like to work on…