Scrapyard inspiration
When shooting photos in a scrapyard for the theme “Rusty” in my photo-project in 2017, I took a photo that I found quite simple and yet intriguing. Several corrugated sheets were lying on the ground among other scrap and sharp sunny light painted lines on the top sheet.
I saw a potential in that geometry but after editing the photo for a while I abandoned it, dissatisfied with my results. Today I came across the photo again and decided to give it a second chance by creatively playing with it. I can tell you, I’m glad I did.
To start with, I created a black&white version…

… and here is a triptych made from the b&w, colourful and an aged-photo version…
Simple and repetitive but effective, I think.
Further you can see two abstract versions that I created digitally from the photo by means of a software function “double exposure”. I named the second image “Stairs to heaven”, it feels to me as if I was climbing towards something powerful and full of light.

And finally, another triptych created from that one photo by positioning it in different ways and zoom.
I like my photos to be technically as best as possible but here and there I allow myself stray from perfection and be inspired by ideas outside the box. You never know where they will take you…