Places in Czech Republic

Taking a stroll

Temperatures are supposed to be falling significantly next weekend, it’s time to exchange summer tyres for winter ones. This morning I had an appointment at a garage in a near town where they did the exchange for me. I had to wait until it was finished so when I was thinking of what I was going to do during that time, I decided to take a camera with me and just stroll a bit. I headed for the part of the town where town people living in blocks of flats have their gardens, the area is located by a river.

While walking along the river’s bank I came across a group of ducks, walking and swimming here and there above a weir, eating something obviously delicious hidden under the surface of the water and quacking excitedly from time to time. They look like having fun, don’t they?

When leaving the ducks, I noticed several piles of leaves gathered by metal props which obstructed their way forward. Stacked pretty densely but radiating colours…

Leaving the town in the car with the changed tyres, I made one more stop. On my way home I pass through a small part of a forest and these days it’s so colourful. I guess you must already be fed up with all those autumnally coloured trees but I can’t help adding a few more.

I like the contrast of the silver bark and the golden leaves…

…the orange light coming through…

…and the mixture of shapes and colours.

You know, so many times I was sighing over that beauty but never actually took my camera and went there to take a picture. But today and I can tick off this item on the hypothetical list of my debts.
