• Places in Czech Republic

    Country church

    Every time when we go to visit my mom, we drive by a church in Starý Rožmitál that always draws my attention. There is nothing extraordinary about the building itself, it’s a country church standing by a cemetery, but the view from the road looks very nice. I asked my husband to stop nearby last week so that I could take a photo. I was walking here and there for a while when looking for the best view and along the way I was passing by a beautiful lilac bush. Lilac blooms are gone for now so it’s a nice memory. I also saw an eye-catching leafy tree which I…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Overcast desperation

    This winter I haven’t seen much of blue sky. The sky is either light or dark grey, causes energy shortage and brings abundance of tiredness. Hence the title of this post. A few moments ago my husband was reading me weather forecast for the arriving March and it was like this: first ten-day period – cloudy and overcastsecond ten-day period – cloudy and rainythird ten-day period – cloudy, overcast and rainy I know that March is much worse for me than February. Spring is already expected but winter persists. Not that frosty shiny winter. The muddy overcast one. So when we got a new portion of snow last week, I…