• Miscellaneous

    Happy Easter

    I have one more photo from Rabštejn nad Střelou which I want to share with you, I saved it for this special Easter occasion. Easter is a symbol of hope and generosity to me and the hallelujah it sings gives strengths and humility, both of which we need. Enjoy the Easter days and let them fill you to the brim. Happy Easter! Bůh s Tebou – God be with you

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Other bits and pieces from our trip to Rabštejn nad Střelou

    In my previous post I shared a few photos from our trip to Rabštejn nad Střelou (Rabštejn is a town and Střela is the river above which the town is situated) and today I will add some more. Also, I promised to tell you more about this town which is the smallest town in the Czech Republic with its about 21 inhabitants. The first notice of Rabštejn comes from 1269, in 1337 it was granted a law of a town. About 20 years later Rabštejn was sold to the emperor Charles IV. who was interested in it. He understood its local importance and was even often staying there. The town…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Stony bits and pieces

    Last Saturday we spent several hours on a trip about 30 kilometres away from Plzeň (Pilsen), in and around the town Rabštejn nad Střelou. I will tell you more about this miniature town with interesting history records in my next post, today I would like to focus on another aspect of that area. As you might have guessed from the title of this post, it is about stones which are very frequent there. The structure and colouration caused by covers of lichens and similar plants growing on the surface of the local rocks create interesting pictures in many places. Also, there is an old slate quarry and you tread on…