• Miscellaneous

    End-of-year wishes

    I haven’t been much active on this (or any other) blog lately but I wouldn’t want to miss out on this last post of the year. May it be somewhat personal? You know, I could count the reasons and excuses for my absence here readily but in the core, there definitely lies shortage of discipline and motivation. I don’t function well based on swings of mood, I need plans, deadlines and visions. Then I make progress, then I am creative. Abandoning the planning and dwelling amidst doubts, negative thoughts and lazy attitudes have always led me into the hell of rejection and it is so easy to get tempted to…

  • Miscellaneous

    Merry Christmas

    I thought I would not create any Christmas post this year but here I am as I could not resist the tugging of the moment. I find the Christmas card I’ve created this time to be soft and peaceful and playful and those characteristics reflect both my feelings and my wishes to you. Enjoy the Christmas time in a peaceful and relaxed way and get all the energy it offers. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • Miscellaneous

    Christmas wishes

    Christmas will be here in just a few days so before you become absorbed in final preparations and Christmas festivities, I’d like to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. When I was looking for some wise words to share with you on this special occasion, I came across the following quote by the comedian Demetri Martin. It made me laugh and feel the mirth and I thought, why not something funny for a change? Here it goes: “I set a personal record on Christmas. I got my shopping done three weeks ahead of time. I had all the presents back at my apartment. I was halfway through wrapping them,…

  • Miscellaneous

    Merry Christmas

    As I invested many hours within last several months in moving and merging my blogs here, I skipped writing many intended posts and shooting many intended photos, but finally all is ready here to be continued. I’m looking forward to my next blogging and photography adventures and I hope that they will be enriching not just for me but also for you who come to visit my blog. I still have quite a few photos to be shared, a few reflections to be pondered over and I plan another photo project for next year to further develop and enhance my photography skills, I will tell you more about it in…

  • still-life


    Amid these Christmas preparations I wanted to tell you that the other day, when I was coming home from work and was driving through a wood near our village, it struck me how much my life has changed recently. Partly from the outside and more importantly from the inside, but it’s all intertwined and interlinked, isn’t it? I wanted to add that there were times in my life a few years ago when crashing my car head-on into a tree seemed like a good solution to all the bad feelings and thoughts I had. I never tried, just let the idea in and out, but the depressive thought was there.…

  • Reflections

    Light and shadows

    Sometimes there are details which appear repeatedly in a short time span of my life bringing together new meaning to me. It’s like when you take a lemon, sugar and water and prepare lemon juice from them. By taste, you can still distinguish the ingredients but you cannot separate them anymore and even their taste is not entirely the same. It is how it started with light and shadows this time. I like Robert Ludlum and his spy stories and yesterday I finished reading the 3rd instalment of his Bourne series. I came across a sentence there: “Hugging the shadows of the successive storefronts, Jason crept slowly forward.” My breathing…

  • Miscellaneous

    PF 2011

    Some time ago I subscribed to a scrapbooking course via the Internet. I wanted to improve my skills in using the Adobe Photoshop Elements software that I use for editting my photos and for making occasional scrapbook pages. The course is great, but it takes all the time I have for sitting at my computer, so I haven’t been able yet to continue my Kozel castle series. Autumn is gone, there is snow everywhere and I can see I am running late… I hope that I will catch up with your blogs as soon as possible but for the time being, let me wish you a wonderful Christmas time and a happy year 2011. Credits for…