• Places in Czech Republic


    Today I am sharing some of my photos from Nečtiny, the municipality I had assigned to November in my photo project for 2018. 35 photos again, as for all towns in this project. The municipality Nečtiny consists of 12 parts populated by 650 inhabitants. It is an area with long history reaching back to 12th century and several interesting buildings, which are especially the chateau, church of St. Anna, church of St. James with adjacent cemetery and burial chapel of St. Teresa. The chateau was built in the 16th century, rebuilt several times and nowadays it is owned and used as a training and recreation centre by the University of West Bohemia.…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Having walked on New Year’s Day

    In Czech we have a saying conveying that what you do and how you behave on the New Year’s Day, it will last through the whole year. A bit scary if things don’t go well on that particular day, isn’t it? But we always laugh at something rather than become afraid and take it easy. We started this year with a walk nearby. First we planned to go to Plzeň to participate in a march, that kind of a march when people come to a specified place, get registered, choose the length of the trail they want to conquer and when they arrive at the finish, they get a certificate…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Buchlov castle

    My family spent the last week of July in south-east Moravia, which represents the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. We were staying in a camp and went on a trip every day so we visited a few castles and several interesting places I’d like to show you. On the first day we went to visit the Buchlov castle. The funniest part of that trip was that when we entered the first yard of the castle, I immediately realised we’d been there before. My husband didn’t believe me until we returned home when I proved my assertion by showing him photos we took at that time. So first I felt a…

  • Places in Czech Republic


    When we were leaving the camp, we were staying at in Šumava last summer, our clothes as well as boots were cold and wet, and we were looking forward to returning home. We even weren’t quite sure whether to make one last trip on our way back. Then we found a location on a map which was situated along the way home and looked interesting. It was Javorník, both a town and hill with an observation tower, and eventually we decided to stop there. We parked our car in the town and followed a marked trail. After climbing a part of the hill, we came to a chapel of St.…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Kynžvart castle – Part 2 – Park

    Last time, after I introduced Kynžvart castle to you, I promised to take you into the castle’s park so let’s get off. When we approached the castle, we noticed a direction sign heading for a wood chapel. We followed it and came to a wonderful place hidden in the park. The chapel which is situated there consists of roofed wooden church benches and an altar in front of them, an altar through which you can see the trees and sky behind. As for the history of the chapel, it comes from 1692 when a chapel was built in a place worshipped by pagans. The chapel was guarded by Benedictines, reputedly…