• Miscellaneous

    All Souls’ Day once again

    When I was lighting a candle in a cemetery today, in memory of those I still love even though they already left this world, I had to think about how true the words are saying that those who remain in our hearts will never die. Yet I wish I knew them better. I wish I had more time for them.I wish we could chat and laugh and enjoy one another’s company.I wish I could meet them again and tell them how much they still mean to me. The truth is that these wishes are painful and sometimes hurt and no time can make that fade away. So rest in peace…

  • Miscellaneous

    All Souls’ Day

    Every November, 2 we celebrate All Souls’ Day here in the Czech Republic. On the one hand it is a Christian feast when a church prays for the faithfully deceased, on the other hand it is a day when many people regardless of their faith come to cemeteries, clean and decorate for winter their family tombs and also light a candle in memory of those buried there. It’s a beautiful tradition and I always like to see so many candles lit at the same time and expressing all the memories and prayers. As much as I like that tradition and tried several times to capture the atmosphere, I’ve never liked…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Overcast desperation

    This winter I haven’t seen much of blue sky. The sky is either light or dark grey, causes energy shortage and brings abundance of tiredness. Hence the title of this post. A few moments ago my husband was reading me weather forecast for the arriving March and it was like this: first ten-day period – cloudy and overcastsecond ten-day period – cloudy and rainythird ten-day period – cloudy, overcast and rainy I know that March is much worse for me than February. Spring is already expected but winter persists. Not that frosty shiny winter. The muddy overcast one. So when we got a new portion of snow last week, I…