• Places in Czech Republic

    Wooden Titans

    Not far from Charles bridge in Prague, you can find Museum Kampa, where the sculptress Emilie Benes Brzezinski has exhibited her wooden sculptures called Titans. We came across them while walking nearby and I loved immediately the wooden structure with all its texture, natural colors, intended cuts and iron clamps. It is mostly difficult to say what a piece of art represents but sometimes you can feel the pull towards it and you can hear the whispering telling you (un)believable and never told stories. Genuine art speaks without words and inspires… and that was what I was perceiving when meeting the Titans at the bank of the Vltava river… Some…

  • Miscellaneous

    Castle art

    In June, my hubby and I visited the Kašperk castle. We decided to participate in a guided tour to see the insides of the castle once again and to listen to the history of the place. During the tour, I noticed in an inner yard that several of window openings were covered with boards featuring drawings of coats of arms. The drawings were attracting my attention more than the history so instead of listening to our guide I was taking their photos with the aim of processing them somehow back at home. The coats of arms don’t seem real although the “leaves” on the sides resemble a similar decoration in the…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Art in Klenová

    In my previous post I promised to share some information about art we could see in Klenová and here I am to fulfil my promise. The castle in Klenová serves to present works of art in many forms. During our visit we saw an exhibition of paintings, an exhibition of photographs and several statues placed in the premises of the castle. There were more than you will see in my photos but these were the ones that impressed me most. Please take into account that looking at my captures doesn’t correspond entirely to standing in the statues’s nearness and even touching them… I have to admit that I quite regret…

  • Reflections


    “Creativity is not just for artists.It’s for businesspeople looking for a new way to close a sale;it’s for engineers trying to solve a problem;it’s for parents who want their children to see the world in more than one way.”― Twyla Tharp, a dancer and choreographer Many times it seems to me that I lack creativity absolutely but when I look at my ordinary day through the glasses of this quote, I realise how much wisdom they reveal. We are creative in solving our family and personal problemsimpressing those we want to impresslooking for new opportunitiesclimbing career laddersfulfilling our needs trying to keep ourselves comfortablearranging clothes in our wardrobessetting tables and…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Metal art in Bezdružice

    To change the topics dealing with castles and nature reserves for a while, I’ve searched my archives and found a few older photos I’d like to share. A castle plays a role here but not the lead one. I have to go back, to August 2008, when my husband was too busy at work and I spent my holiday going on daily trips with our children. One of the outings headed for the castle in Bezdružice, a city which I found a bit lost and dull at the time. I parked the car and we went up to the castle. It’s quite a nice building… and when we reached the…