Colours and light
Returning to the day when I was taking the previously shared photos of the cherry tree orchard, a few more photos have been left which I’d like to share. We left the orchard and went in the other direction, through the village. In the meantime, the sky turned dramatic and the light changed, everything seemed much more prominent and colourful.
There are places in the village I especially love to take photos of and look at, though they may not be “special”. Like the following fence and its surroundings:
There is a pitch hidden in the following photo, or rather a grassy area used for various purposes. It’s used on the children’s day (which is celebrated here on 1st June), for football matches, firemen contests… In the adjoining building local outdoor concerts and summer dance parties are held.
If you follow my blog regularly, you may find the bent trees in the next photo looking familiar as you could see them in a few winter shots. In spring they look less prominent but interesting and nice enough.
The last capture was taken by the the local pond and I had never seen such colours there.
I often think it’s pointless to walk through the village in pursuit of taking new photographs but eventually I’m always surprised to see something I haven’t captured yet. Different colours, shapes or light, there is always something new to discover.