• Places in Czech Republic

    Art in Klenová

    In my previous post I promised to share some information about art we could see in Klenová and here I am to fulfil my promise. The castle in Klenová serves to present works of art in many forms. During our visit we saw an exhibition of paintings, an exhibition of photographs and several statues placed in the premises of the castle. There were more than you will see in my photos but these were the ones that impressed me most. Please take into account that looking at my captures doesn’t correspond entirely to standing in the statues’s nearness and even touching them… I have to admit that I quite regret…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    This and that in Klenová

    A few years ago we stopped in Klenová for a while and visited an old church there, a small church hidden among trees. I just remembered there was also a gallery we didn’t want to visit at that time and having taken a few photos in front of the church and having spent several minutes there, we left for home. Last weekend we decided to visit that place once more and to be thorough this time and visit everything it offers. Which is the church, a gallery, an exhibition of photos and an exhibition of paintings, ruins of an old castle and a building of a new chateau. When we arrived at…