
Abstract vision

My son attended an exhibition with his class today and that led to our subsequent discussion about the styles of paintings we like and dislike. We’ve found out that we especially do not see eye to eye with one another on abstract art, which I like and my son does not. That made me rummage through my photo archive to find if I have any abstract photos at all. And I have, look at one of them…

As much as I love sharpness and contrast, abstract vision opens to me a door to different perception.

What do you feel when looking at an abstract?

I always feel curiosity and need to define what that abstraction represents, my brain revolves hastily to grasp the idea behind the abstract. There must always be an idea for the abstract to be expressive. No matter whether the idea is shaped by a story, colours or geometry.

What I also love about abstracts is that based on our experience and imagination, we can see different things in an abstract image or sculpture. What do you see in the photo above?

I can see a big old rusty knife scratching a wooden cutting board…

…and yet the photo captured a ceiling in an Italian marble quarry…
