Tour of three lakes
Austria – day 4 – tour of Styrian Bodensee, Hüttensee and Obersee.
Not far from Schladming, there is another popular destination, a lake in the woods called Styrian Bodensee, from which you can continue up to the lake Hüttensee and even further up to the lake Obersee.
The Bodensee is a place where you can stay and relax, eat in the restaurant, stroll around the lake, paddle on a boat… Or you can climb up the hills and visit the other lake(s), which is challenging but definitely worth the effort. The only drawback is that you may have to go the same way back, and I never like that.
We arrived quite early when the lake was still and quiet, which was nice, and only when looking back from above after a while, we saw more people coming. It is beneficial to start early if you want to enjoy the serenity…

When you reach the hut “Hans-Wödl Hütte” by the upper lake Hüttensee, you can either stop and enjoy the daily meal-and-drink offer before turning back…

… or you can leave that for later and continue up to the Obersee.
There are several waterfalls along the way – one whose strength you can witness directly, and others to be admired from afar.

As you can see in the photos, the weather was changing during the day. Quite unpredictably, we experienced the foggy and cloudy as well as at least partially blue sky, all in a few hours and sometimes minutes.

After some resting and snack-eating at the top by the Obersee, we returned back down. The path was wet and sometimes muddy when heading up, it was slippery on the way down. A sturdy pair of non-slip boots are heartily recommended (and I thought mine were good enough…).

We had to hurry in the end to be in time for bus departure and we wished we had more time to take in all the destination offers. Definitely a memorable tour…