Books and tulips
Book images belong to assignments of the second month of Kim’s Be Still course and one would say that they are easy to be created. Not everything is as easy as it looks though and I can tell you that I had a hard time with them. For this first series I used tulips that I bought last weekend. I hesitated in the shop whether to buy a bouquet in one colour or this mixture but when I made the decision and brought the tulips home, I was really pleased about how wonderful the mixture looked.
As you might have guessed, the book in the top-down photo above focuses on birds. I like how the bird connects the book with the tea towel, and the colours connect the tea towel with the tulips as well as the tulips with the book, such an intriguing triplet.
The books in the photos belong together, they’re part of a series of little encyclopaedias dealing with trees, mushrooms, butterflies, mammals, and so on. One can’t read them like a novel (well, at least I can’t), but they are handy when we need some information they contain.
The title of the book below is “What blooms here?”, it’s a field guide for identifying flowers. I liked the colours connecting the book and the tulips.
The photos are very colourful and somehow they feel like spring is coming but yesterday we got another portion of snow so we will have to wait for the spring a few more days, hopefully not weeks…