Around home and village

Autumnal air

There was a pond fishing in our village yesterday and I was firmly convinced to go there and to take my camera. The pond fishing takes place every year in the beginning of October and although we have been living here for 9 years, we have never been to it. I supposed that it would start early and wanted to be there at 8 o’clock at the latest but we got up not that early and came to the pond at about 9:15 a.m. I had the camera but there was nothing interesting to be shot as nearly all the fish were already out in tanks being weighed, sold and prepared for transportation…

Well, I didn’t give up and asked my children to have a look around and go for a walk. Fortunately, chestnut trees grow in that direction and children were thrilled to go and find some fallen chestnuts. It was a nice walk and we found 95 beautiful shiny chestnuts. The younger son is going to take them to school tomorrow for him and other children to create figures from them. Do you know those chestnut figures?

Here are a few observations from our walk:

Autumn may be cold but its colours make it up for us…

Never give up, there is always some way how and in which direction to grow…

Autumn can be both bright and melancholic (some might even say depressive)…

Rosehips are a symbol of autumn, summer is entirely forgotten…
