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    Bonsai exhibition

    At the end of May my family and I visited an exhibition of bonsai in Merklín. Merklín is just a small town with about a thousand inhabitants but it started tradition of bonsai exhibitions in 2004 and still keeps it alive. Every year it invites fans of bonsai and Japanese culture generally to the local castle in the yard of which the exhibition takes place. This was the third time of our visiting and as I am no expert in this field, I could see just “the same” beautiful and interesting plants I had seen before yet I enjoyed the atmosphere of the event. In front of the castle, there…

  • Miscellaneous

    Exhibition of bonsai

    A few years ago I visited an exhibition of bonsai trees in a near town Merklín. I was enchanted by various shapes of the bonsai and when I saw a poster a few days ago announcing this exhibition again, I firmly decided to go and see it. I did and now I want to share my impression with you. Merklín is quite a small town of a thousand inhabitants and in the local castle, there is a seat of the municipal authority. The exhibition has taken place in the castle every year since 2004, and as I could see, the number of exhibited bonsai has significantly increased since that time.…