• Miscellaneous

    Easter hope

    Easter always brings a message to me conveying hope that nothing is so bad it could not turn into something good. The concept of suffering and how it could lead to something great is difficult to grasp but if one opens themselves to the hope, the life can feel and become very different. Sacrificing oneself may be utterly wrong or utterly heroic or utterly compassionate, it all depends so much on circumstances. From the point of Christianity it is a gesture of love giving a man a chance to make their lives better. I know, if one is not a Christian, the gesture seems non-existent, yet it is there in…

  • Places in Czech Republic


    Chudenice is the town assigned to April in my photo project for this year so here I am, at the end of the month, to present some of the photos I took there. 35 photos again, as in the previous months, somehow the number feels good. Chudenice is a small town with about 705 inhabitants and long history reaching back to 1200. The town and its history are closely connected with one of the oldest Czech noble families – the Czernin family. The most interesting places you can see in the town are the old Czernin castle, church of John the Baptist, observation tower Bolfánek, bath house and manor with…