• Focused on photography


    RUSTY was the photographic theme of my 12-month photo project assigned for April and here I am with the final selection of my photos. No. 1: Nook with containers When I was thinking about the rusty theme, the first idea that came to my mind was to shoot in a scrapyard. I was sure my hubby knew someone who operated a scrapyard so I asked him to arrange a session and it worked wonderfully. At first sight, a scrapyard is just a place full of junk but if you take your time, you may find some photography treasures there. No. 2: Memorial In May 1945, at the end of WWII, Pilsen…

  • Places in Czech Republic

    Art in Klenová

    In my previous post I promised to share some information about art we could see in Klenová and here I am to fulfil my promise. The castle in Klenová serves to present works of art in many forms. During our visit we saw an exhibition of paintings, an exhibition of photographs and several statues placed in the premises of the castle. There were more than you will see in my photos but these were the ones that impressed me most. Please take into account that looking at my captures doesn’t correspond entirely to standing in the statues’s nearness and even touching them… I have to admit that I quite regret…